It is God’s desire that we succeed at whatever we do for Him, whether in business, ministry, in writing a book, singing a song etc…   Moses reminded God on several different occasions that God wouldn’t look so good if He let the Israelites fail.  Our failure brings Him no glory.  The enemy tries hard to get us to fail because failure brings fear and fear limits our lives quicker than anything!  Fear will get us to speak words like “I can’t.”  And that is the worst thought we could possible have. Jesus said it like this, “As a man thinks, so he is.” 

     I finished with telling the story from the Gospel of John, chapter 5 about the many people sitting around the pool of Bethesda.  At appointed seasons an angel would come down and stir the water.  Whoever stepped into it would be healed.  The story tells us of one man that could not get into the water and Jesus healed him but He didn’t heal all the others that were there.  That tells me if you’re not able to come closer to Him and step into what He’s doing, then He will come to you.  By Him not healing all the others, that makes it clear to me that His desire is for those of us who are able, to come closer to Him,  and step into what He has for us.  If you have something that you have been believing God for – healing, financial issues, relational issues and nothing has changed – change your position.  Move in closer!

     Here is our August schedule for healing services:  God’s Abundant Love Fellowship in Long Creek, on August 7th, at 10:30, Gospel Lighthouse in Odin, on August 14th, at 10:00 and Body Of Christ Church in Buffalo on the 28th at 11:00. 

God Bless You!

Larry Duncan